Monday, 24 March 2014



The 27th of February was the first day we started filming for our new song 'Use Somebody' by Kings Of Leon. We used the stage in school which was the most appropriate location and we got the instruments and props ready beforehand to save time when our actors arrived, this way we could get straight into filming. Our actors seem very professional and take the filming seriously which is much easier for us as we can get the filming done quickly!
Overall we got a lot of the main filming we needed for our music video done, which made the filming session successful. The only problems we encountered was that we were not allowed to use the lighting in the hall which would have benefited us as it would have lit up the scene rather than it being so dark. Also we wanted to play our song through the hall speakers so the band could hear it clearly, but we were not allowed so we made do playing it from a laptop, although not as clear it still done the job!

The 3rd of March was the next time we filmed for our music video. As we compared timetables with our band we all had a free lesson in the morning and in the afternoon, therefore we filmed twice on this day. Filming in the morning did not go so well as all of the instruments had been locked away and the teacher with the key was not around. In order to film we would have needed these to make the filming look similar to the previous footage we had recorded. Instead we used this time to film up close to the actors faces for the close ups we required for the music video as the instruments were not required for this.

In the afternoon on the 3rd of March we filmed again, this time we had all of the instruments and props we needed set up prior to filming therefore we spent the whole time filming various angles of the band which would look good in our music video. Our actors have been getting used to us filming them and are no longer acting shy or reluctant, this means we can get our filming done each filming session as quickly as possible. Overall our filming so far has gone successfully well, in 3 hours of filming we have got the majority of our filming done which includes a variety of shots and camera angles. 

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