Thursday, 5 December 2013

Special effects research

Green Screening

I firstly looked at green screening and different examples of clips from movies where they have used a green screen on a much larger scale to create a bigger, better and much more professional setting. Green screening is used in most movies and videos because it has many benefits if you use it correctly for example it is easier to set up a green screen and change the location rather than going to each location to do each shot and get it right, lets you easily change the background if you decide to go with another idea and lets you be creative with what you can put behind then subject. 
I then looked at different videos on how to set up a green screen, tips when filming and how to edit to help with our video incase we decided to use a green screen. 

I learnt by watching videos on green screening that there are many things to think about for example a very basic thing that you need to make sure of is that you are wearing clothes that are not close to the colour of your screen in the background otherwise your subject will not be clear or seen when you add a background. When setting up the green screen you need to make sure that there are no creases and an even colour green screen which may cause shadows and also use lighting so that your subject is not dark and against the background making it even. When you come to actually shooting the video use a fast shutter speed to make sure that there is no motion blurring and therefore making it harder to key and mixed with your background. When editing you need to make sure you get rid of anything that isnt meant to be there around the subject to make it look more realist to the background but make sure you dont get rid of any of the person to make it look unnatural. By changing the colour, lighting and saturation you can make the person match the background even better. 

I then looked at different special effects, editing techniques and tutorials on how to use and edit using Final Cut Pro by watching a variety of different videos on youtube. It has really helped me to gain a better understanding of how to use the software and things we need to think about when we come to editing our video. I firstly looked at a videos on the basic things for example how to insert videos and also what keyboard methods I could use to make it easier and quicker when it comes to using Final Cut Pro. I then looked at a video talking about the positives and negitives of final cut pro to gain a better understanding before looking at more videos on how to use the software in more detail for example how to cut and move clips and changing the colour.


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